Extensions to the base Gamepad specification to enable access to more advanced device capabilities.
If you have comments for this spec, please send them to public-webapps@w3.org with a Subject: prefix of [gamepad]. See Bugzilla for this specification's open bugs.


The Gamepad API provides a tightly scoped interface to gamepad devices and is focused on the most common elements of those devices, namely axis and button inputs. It specifically excludes support for more complex devices (e.g., those that do motion tracking or haptic feedback).

However, some uses of gamepads (e.g., those paired with Virtual Reality headsets) rely heavily on those more advanced features. This supplemetary spec describes extensions to the base API to accommodate those use cases. If they prove to be broadly useful, the hope is that they will be eventually merged into the main spec.

Security and privacy considerations

User agents MUST implement the GamepadTouch to only be available in secure contexts. This provides better protection for the user against man-in-the-middle attacks intended to obtain gamepad data. Browsers may ignore this rule for development purposes only.

GamepadHand Enum

This enum defines the set of possible hands a gamepad may be held by.

        enum GamepadHand {
          "",  /* unknown, both hands, or not applicable */
"" (the empty string)
The empty string indicates the hand that is holding the gamepad is unknown or not applicable (e.g., if the gamepad is held with two hands).
Gamepad is held or is most likely to be held in the left hand.
Gamepad is held or is most likely to be held in the right hand.

GamepadHapticActuator Interface

Each GamepadHapticActuator corresponds to a motor or other actuator that can apply a force for the purposes of haptic feedback.

        interface GamepadHapticActuator {
          readonly attribute GamepadHapticActuatorType type;
          Promise<boolean> pulse(double value, double duration);

pulse() applies a value to the actuator for duration milliseconds. The value passed to pulse() is clamped to limits defined by the actuator type. The returned Promise will resolve true once the pulse has completed.

Repeated calls to pulse() override the previous values.

GamepadHapticActuatorType Enum

The actuator type determines the force applied for a given value in GamepadHapticActuator.pulse().

        enum GamepadHapticActuatorType {
Vibration is a rumbling effect often implemented as an offset weight driven on a rotational axis. The value of a vibration force determines the frequency of the rumble effect and is normalized between 0.0 and 1.0. The neutral value is 0.0.

GamepadPose Interface

This interface defines the gamepad's position, orientation, velocity, and acceleration.

        interface GamepadPose {
          readonly attribute boolean hasOrientation;
          readonly attribute boolean hasPosition;

          readonly attribute Float32Array? position;
          readonly attribute Float32Array? linearVelocity;
          readonly attribute Float32Array? linearAcceleration;
          readonly attribute Float32Array? orientation;
          readonly attribute Float32Array? angularVelocity;
          readonly attribute Float32Array? angularAcceleration;
The hasOrientation attribute MUST return whether the gamepad is capable of tracking its orientation.
The hasPosition attribute MUST return whether the gamepad is capable of tracking its position.

Position of the gamepad as a 3D vector, given in meters from an origin point, which is determined by the gamepad hardware and MAY be the position of the gamepad when first polled if no other reference point is available. The coordinate system uses these axis definitions, assuming the user is holding the gamepad in the forward orientation:

  • Positive X is to the user's right.
  • Positive Y is up.
  • Positive Z is behind the user.

MUST be null if the gamepad is incapable of providing positional data. When not null, MUST be a three-element array.

Linear velocity of the gamepad in meters per second. MUST be null if the sensor is incapable of providing linear velocity. When not null, MUST be a three-element array.
Linear acceleration of the gamepad in meters per second. MUST be null if the sensor is incapable of providing linear acceleration. When not null, MUST be a three-element array.
Orientation of the gamepad as a quaternion. An orientation of [0, 0, 0, 1] is considered to be forward. The forward direction MUST be determined by the gamepad hardware. The forward direction MAY be the orientation of the hardware when it was first polled if no other reference orientation is available. If the sensor is incapable of providing orientation data, the orientation MUST be null. When not null, the orientation MUST be a four-element array.
Angular velocity of the gamepad in meters per second. MUST be null if the sensor is incapable of providing angular velocity. When not null, the angularVelocity MUST be a three-element array.
Angular acceleration of the gamepad in meters per second. MUST be null if the sensor is incapable of providing angular acceleration. When not null, angularAcceleration MUST be a three-element array.

GamepadTouch Interface

This interface defines a single touch event on a gamepad device that supports input. The event consists of a touch id that uniquely identifies the touch point from the time the input medium (e.g. finger, stylus, etc) makes contact with the touch device, up to the time the input medium is no longer making contact with the touch device.

        [Exposed=Window, SecureContext]
        interface GamepadTouch {
          readonly attribute unsigned long touchId;
          readonly attribute octet surfaceId;
          readonly attribute Float32Array position;
          readonly attribute Uint32Array? surfaceDimensions;
Unique id of the touch event. Range is [0, 4294967295]. The user agent is responsible for incrementing the touchId for each subsequent touch event based on information provided by the device API. touchId SHOULD be set to a default value of 0 when a new Gamepad object is created.
Unique id of the surface that generated the touch event. Range is [0, 255].
x, y coordinates of the touch event. Range of each coordinate is normalized to [-1.0, 1.0]. Along the x-axis, -1.0 references the leftmost coordinate and 1.0 references the rightmost coordinate. Along the y-axis, -1.0 references the topmost coordinate and 1.0 references the bottommost coordinate. MUST be a two-element array.
Width and height of the touch surface in integer units. When not null, MUST be a two-element array.

Partial Gamepad Interface

This partial interface supplements the Gamepad interface described in the main Gamepad spec.

        partial interface Gamepad {
          readonly attribute GamepadHand hand;
          readonly attribute FrozenArray<GamepadHapticActuator> hapticActuators;
          readonly attribute GamepadPose? pose;
          readonly attribute FrozenArray<GamepadTouch>? touchEvents;
Describes the hand the controller is held in or is most likely to be held in.
A list of all the haptic actuators in the gamepad. The same object MUST be returned until the user agent needs to return different values (or values in a different order).
The current pose of the gamepad, if supported by the hardware. Includes position, orientation, velocity, and acceleration. If the hardware cannot supply any pose values, MUST be set to null.
A list of touch events generated from all touch surfaces. null if the device does not support touch events.